Peredovik Sunflowers – 50 lb bag

(1 customer review)

Peredovik sunflowers, commonly referred to as black oil sunflowers, are relished by dove, quail and turkey for their oily seeds. One of the most often planted seeds for attracting dove, Peredoviks are also a good broadleaf component of cover crop blends.  Non-GMO




Annual. 4-5 ft tall. 100 day maturity. High oil content. Widely adapted; more productive on fertile loams. Excellent for dove, quail and turkey; browsed by deer when young. Drill 10-15 lbs/acre or broadcast 25-30 lbs/acre at ½-¾” deep from last frost through mid summer (April thru July). Also, used in cover crop blends as a broadleaf, valuable for scavenging nutrients from deep in the soil to make them available to shallower root systems.  Non-GMO