Common White Clover – 50 lb bag

White clover is a low growing perennial clover with excellent reseeding and persistence, tolerating wet soils. Use for wildlife, honeybees, forage in pasture and soil improvement.  Non-GMO


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White clover is a low growing perennial clover with excellent reseeding and persistence, tolerating wet soils. Use for wildlife, honeybees, forage in pasture and soil improvement.  Plant 4-5 lbs per acre at 1/4″ in the Fall. White clover thrives in loams and clays with a pH of 6.6-7.5 in fair to poorly drained soils. This seed is coated and pre-inoculated, so no additional inoculation is needed. 60 lbs per bushel.  Non-GMO

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Weight 50 lbs


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