Fastgrass Brand Annual Ryegrass 50 lb bag

Plant Fastgrass Brand of Flying A variety of annual ryegrass in your pasture for improved forage production for grazing or hay.  The proof is in the university test trial data below!



Plant Fastgrass Brand of Flying A variety of annual ryegrass in your pasture for improved forage production for grazing or hay.  The proof is in the university test trial data:


Flying A Diploid Annual Ryegrass

#1 diploid 2013-14

#1 diploid 2011-12

#1 diploid for 3 year mean 2012-15

#1 diploid for 3 year mean 2011-14

#1 diploid for 3 year mean 2010-13

#1 diploid for 3 year mean 2009-12

*Results based on total dry matter yield per acre of all commercially available varieties for the selected years in the Ryegrass Forage Variety Trials conducted by the Texas A&M Agrilife Research & Extension Center at Overton.  



25-40 lbs per acre, depending on seedbed

preparation and seeding methods.

Do not drill or cover seed more than 1/2 inch deep.


Plant September through November depending on weather but may be sown all winter long in areas with average temperatures ranging from 40-60°F.


Fastgrass benefits from proper soil

nutrient management.  Contact your local fertilizer dealer or extension agent for specific

recommendations for your area.


Additional information

Weight 50 lbs


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