Tank Dam & Erosion Control Mix – 20 lb bag

Newly constructed tank dams need very quick coverage to keep the soil from washing away, as well as permanent grass to keep it together in the long run. This mix has quick growing annuals for putting down roots fast, plus permanent native and improved pasture grasses for long term erosion control. These grasses are excellent forages for livestock. Non-GMO



Plant 20 lbs per acre. If the structure is newly constructed and still bare, broadcast the seed and roll or lightly drag no deeper than 1/8 inch deep. If the ground has already crusted, lightly drag to break the crust before spreading. Contains hulled and unhulled common bermudagrass, white proso millet, teffgrass, annual ryegrass, switchgrass, fescue, lovegrass and crabgrass.  All seeds in the mix are non-GMO.

Additional information

Weight 20 lbs


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