SunGrazer Plus Forage Bermudagrass Blend – 25 lb bag

Improved varieties give improved results.
It’s that simple.
SunGrazer Plus has improved bermudagrass varieties that were selected for their cold and drought tolerance, durability and high forage production, even in the first year planted. Contains RSF001 (Also known as R6WLCV, the new rising star in forage bermudagrass varieties!), Chilly Verde and Giant Bermudagrasses.  There is no Common Bermudagrass in this blend.
Plant your pasture for hay or grazing with the best bermudagrass blend: SunGrazer Plus.



Plant after soil temperatures warm up to 65º to 70ºF in the spring. Plant 8-12 lbs per acre. The seedbed should be disked lightly to loosen the top one inch of soil and break up dirt clods. Drag to smooth and level. Best results are obtained with a good weed management program. Broadcast the seed, then drag lightly or use a roller to press the seed in the ground. Be sure that the seed is no more than 1/4 inch deep. Fertilize and lime according to recommendations obtained from a soil test. All seeds in this mix are non-GMO.

Don’t take our word for it; read some testimonials from customers who have planted SunGrazer Plus:

We planted a 60 acre field of SunGrazer Plus for one of our customers and have been very impressed with its performance. But this was not a typical pasture situation. The land had recently been cleared of mesquite trees and was ready to plant, but, because of certain restrictions, we were only able to put out 5.9 lbs/acre of seed. We took a chance and spread the seed in early March, which was earlier than we normally plant bermudagrass, with 100 lbs/acre of 18-46-0 fertilizer as a carrier. Even though we had good growing conditions and timely rains, we were still astounded at how fast and how thick the SunGrazer Plus was able to grow in the first few months when planted at such a low rate. We have had excellent results with SunGrazer Plus in past years, but this particular situation proved to us just what it can do, even with a minimal planting rate. J. Watson, Frost, TX

I couldn’t have asked for better results from my SunGrazer Plus. I planted a 38 acre field this last spring and made 180 round bales on the first cutting. I never expected to get that kind of yield on the first year. Due to some rains, I didn’t get the field cut as early as I wanted to, but even so, the quality of the hay was outstanding. I would highly recommend SunGrazer Plus to anyone looking to put in a high quality and high producing hay field. J. Jackson, Corsicana, Texas

On January 25 I applied 2 tons of lime per acre on a 50 acre pasture. Starting in February, we chisel plowed 12 inches deep and then disked the field thru March. In late March we rolled the seed bed, waiting for warmer soil temperatures. On April 14 we planted SunGrazer Plus at 8 pounds per acre with 200 pounds of 9-23-30 per acre, re-rolled the seed bed and prayed for rain. We harvested 158 round bales in August. I could have cut and baled again in October, but failed to do so due to the lack of an available custom baler. I plan to do another 50 acres of pasture this year due to the great results that I experienced. I would highly recommend this product and have been extremely satisfied. J. McKinney, Elmo, Texas

We purchased a 25lb bag of SunGrazer Plus on April 1. Our sandy soil was fertilized, conditioned (had been limed three years prior) and ready to go. We moldboarded the ground and ran over it with a tandem. We planted 2 acres by hand-slinging and drug over it with a cedar post. There was a little rain; enough to germinate the seed right after planting. First cutting May 30—39 bales 26.38% crude protein (dry wt. basis).  Second cutting June 5—44 bales Lower protein 11.4% due to the fact that we did not fertilize again. Third cutting August 25—33 bales Fertilized 17-17-17 CBS—250 lbs/acre (El Dorado Chemical’s Coastal Blend, from Itasca, TX) 18.27% protein (dry wt. basis). Fourth cutting October 1—34 bales Fertilized 17-17-17 CBS—250 lbs/acre (El Dorado Chemical’s Coastal Blend, from Itasca, TX) 16% protein (dry wt. basis) Approximately 150 total square bales weighing 60 lbs each, off of four cuttings. No rain to amount to anything. Remember: this was one of the driest years on record. We were very pleased with the results of this seed and the excellent quality and drought resistance. Our cows love this stuff. If you are a small or large farmer this is the way to go; no sprigging or waiting for it to spread. Just good hay and excellent coverage in no time. We are one happy SunGrazer Plus customer. The Bakers, Whitney, Texas

I am very pleased with my SunGrazer Plus and hope to plant more. I planted about 4 acres on April 15 with a ton of fertilizer on May 21st. On July 1st I baled 384 square bales weighing about 70 lbs each. I was able to make another cutting and bale again on September 1st. I am very pleased at being able to cut that much hay in the first year that I planted it. C. Kimberlin, Sadler, Texas

Additional information

Weight 25 lbs


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