Giant Bermudagrass, Unhulled 50 lb bag
Giant bermudagrass is a tall growing bermudagrass used primarily in pastures for hay and grazing throughout the South. This product is unhulled, meaning the outer shell has not been removed and will germinate a few days slower than hulled if planted after 65 degree soil temps. Unhulled can be planted in cooler months prior to warm soils and will wait to germinate once proper conditions arrive. Non-GMO
Plant 5-10 lbs per acre at ¼ inch deep in spring after last frost once soil temperatures reach 65 degrees. Widely adapted and will grow in soils with pH 5.5-7.0 Best on fertile well-drained soil. Needs mostly to full sun. Long-lived perennial, sod-forming. Excellent drought tolerance and durability. Very persistent. Giant bermuda is sometimes mistakenly called “Coastal,” although true Coastal Bermudagrass is sold as sprigs and not seed. Giant was selected for its similarity to Coastal and works very well interseeded into Coastal pastures. It puts off very quick, tall growth and long runners. It does not get as dense as common-type bermudas, so can be crowded out by denser growing varieties. Non-GMO
Additional information
Weight | 50 lbs |
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